Уулыг хараад би уул гэдгээ мэддэг
Униар мананг ажаад үүл гэдгээ мэдэрдэг
Бороо шивэрсний дараа өвс гэдгээ сэрдэг
Богширгоны жиргээ эхэлмэгц өглөө гэдгээ санадаг


I look at a mountain and know that I am mountain
I observe mist and perceive that I am cloud
After rain sprinkles I sense that I am grass
As soon as the sparrow's twittering begins
I remember that I am morning

Name: Khatun Khatayin
Age: 22 Summers
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gold (Clouded)
Languages: Old Auri, Common
Residence: The Tail Mountains


A Steppe woman through and through, Khatun was born in the early morn to the Khatayins, a mountain-dwelling tribe of hunters. Her father, Dzhambul, was the tribe’s former Khan. He died in battle before she was born, leaving the position to his sworn brother Batsaikhan. Believing the girl would follow in her father’s footsteps, her mother, Munkhtsetseg, named the child “Khatun,” that she might one day grow to take up the mantle. Unfortunately, a few days after her birth, the tribe discovered Khatun was completely blind, leaving her mother’s hopes dashed.As the years passed, the tribe was pleased to find Khatun a surprisingly adept huntress. The girl had a keen sense of hearing and excellent spatial awareness, all tied together by a natural ability to sense the flow of aether around her. Though discerning finer details still proved difficult, Khatun's unique gifts allowed her to gracefully maneuver around the obstacles of the Steppe. The young woman would become capable of tracking prey further even than her most experienced tribesmen. With her fierce temperment and exceptional finesse, the young Khatun quickly established herself as one of the tribe's most valuable members. Despite her unforeseen martial prowess, however, she lacked any ambition of becoming the new Khatun—much to her mother’s dismay.It was during her adolescent years that Khatun's mother began to teach her traditional Steppe dance. She grew fond of practicing by the fire pits, welcoming her tribesmen home as they returned from the night’s hunt. Hours she would spend perfecting her technique—surrendering her body to the beat of the drums. Her art became well-loved by her kin. Over time, Khatun has integrated these techniques into her hunting routine, carefully cultivating a war dance of her own.


Dancer of the Valley: Khatun is a skilled dancer—known for exhibiting her dance across the continents. Those who have been captured by her rhythm are welcome to come up and strike a conversation.Steppe Native: The Khatayin is a born and bred steppe woman, with strong tribal connections and a deep love for her homeland. She is usually more than happy to engage with other Xaela, especially those who speak the Old Tongue.Khatayin Slavers: True to her name, Khatun is loyal to Lady Coldwind, current leader of the Khatayins. This means she will not hesitate to carry out the woman's commands, even deplorable ones such as abducting plainsfolk (as seen in the Steppe FATE "Cold Comes the Wind"). If your character has beef with those who deal in bodies, it's possible you'll come into conflict with this huntress.Sister of the Dark: Born blind, Khatun navigates by means of aethersight and her other honed senses. Those with similar gifts are usually welcomed by the woman as kindred spirits of the dark.The Star Seeker: Khatun has a strange fascination with stars. As a child, she spent many nights atop cold cliffsides next to her childhood friend. The boy would trace constellations onto the palm of her hand, and tell her stories of how these clusters came to be. To this day, the Khatayin carries an unspoken desire to pluck a star from the heavens, and to feel its warmth in her mortal grasp.

OOC Information:
I am a working adult with a full-time job in an unpredictable field. My hours of play will vary depending on my availability. In general, I am open to most forms of roleplay, but will inform the other party if I am uncomfortable delving into a topic (I expect my RP partners to do the same or clearly convey their limitations in their bios or search info). However, I am very much a long-term, story-driven writer. Those who are looking for interactions with a quick-to-trust, open-book character should look elsewhere. Outside of character, I do not tolerate sexism, racism, or any other form of bigotry or discrimination. That said, so long as these boundaries are respected, feel free to joke around, meme, or poke me outside of RP to converse or run content. Cheers.